3 Signs It’s Time to Repair Your Terracotta Walls

3 Signs It’s Time to Repair Your Terracotta Walls

Does your commercial building have terracotta walls that have been around for a while? Are there some signs of wear and tear that concern you? A proper terracotta repair project can be a significant investment. In some cases, though, it’s essential to maintain...
The Benefits of Historic Building Restoration

The Benefits of Historic Building Restoration

According to studies, there are more than 90,000 historical properties in America. Historic buildings are an essential part of our culture and history, but they can be challenging to maintain. Many people do not realize the cost and effort of restoring old...
What You Should Know About Electrostatic Spraying

What You Should Know About Electrostatic Spraying

In the US, the EPA enabled new guidance on electrostatic sprays to disinfect surfaces. These products are often used in hospitals, and healthcare facilities. They also occur in industrial settings, such as manufacturing plants and warehouses. Electrostatic...